Shân Osborn The Census, The Hustle, Trends

Hi, it’s Shân.

I obsess over words, spend too much time with data, and have never learned to relax.

Before I became a writer I was a scientist and management consultant. And may have gotten too many degrees, depending on who you ask (Pop).

My work is featured in The Hustle, Trends, The Census, and other nerdy publications.

For writing collabs email:

The best writers aren’t fancy.

They’re effective.

“You'd better not hire Shân, and I'll tell ya why: No other employee will seem good enough afterwards. You'll also have to deal with all the free time that comes from having a fast, effective, incredibly smart person writing the content you used to toil over.

Worst of all, if you do hire her, you'll constantly grapple with the certainty that somewhere out there, me and my (famous) friends are trying to poach her from you. You're better off on Fiverr.”

- Howard Hampton, invitation-only
community for start-up CEOs and founders